Big Bang Life
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蛋白质和基因组都是超长的分子,由相当复杂的小块组成,极难通过随机过程生成,成为了 鸡生蛋问题 (还是好几个)。
#Trefil, J. et al. (2009): “The Origin of Life”. American Scientist, vol. 97, 3.
The RNA molecule is too complex, requiring assembly first of the monomeric constituents of RNA, then assembly of strings of monomers into polymers. As a random event without a highly structured chemical context, this sequence has a forbiddingly low probability and the process lacks a plausible chemical explanation, despite considerable effort to supply one. We find it more natural to infer that by the time complex RNA was possible, life was already well on the road to complexity
#Walker, S. I. (2017): “Origins of life: a problem for physics, a key issues review”. Reports on Progress in Physics, vol. 80, 9 (open-access version)
These earliest fossils are examples of stromatolites, mineral mounds created by microbial communities, which are still found today in shallow, hypersaline waters, such as in Shark Bay in Australia. Despite this antiquity, stromato- lite communities are not representative of the first life; for- mation of stromatolite mineral deposits requires cells with advanced biomolecular machinery (inclusive of the capacity for photosynthesis as cyanobacteria are important contribu- tors to the formation of stromatolites): indicative of cellular life with a complexity comparable to organisms alive today. The early appearance of stromatolites in the fossil record therefore places relatively tight constraints on the timescale for the origin of life: life had to emerge early for evolution to lead to such complex communities. Conditions became habitable on Earth approximately 4 billion years ago (Bya): life therefore had to emerge and evolve ‘modern’ cellular complexity within a window of just a few hundred mil- lion years.